Poor reputation learner loans are available if you can't pay for college because of low credit. Now, you really have two choices when it comes to applying for low reputation learner loans: government loans or bad reputation underground loans.
Federal loans are by far the best choice if you are seeking to get a learner loan with bad reputation history. The surmise is that federal loans such as the Stafford loan don't want any sort of reputation check or cosigner. Basically, your reputation history does not matter. Even more, if you are proven to be a needy learner (low wage student), you can get federal learner loan for bad reputation that is unsubsidized. Specifically, the Stafford learner loan comes in an unsubsidized and subsidized type. With financial need, you may be able to qualify for the subsidized Stafford loan where the government will pay your interest while you are in school.
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